Data on Android device supported features

I’ve recently been experimenting with OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android for a graphical app (some excellent guides can be found at So far so good. It turns out that gone are the days of countless fixed function calls like glBegin() glVertex3f() glColor4f() for sending vertex data, nowadays you use shaders for everything and send your vertex data to OpenGL in large chunks.  Supposedly this makes the graphics driver software a lot simpler to write and leads to better performance overall. Keeping track of all of those calls and their corresponding closing calls could end up a bit of a headache so it seems like it provides some benefit to application developers too.

Before diving in and using ES 2.0 exclusively (well, at first anyway – code for ES 1.x support can always be added later) I wanted to get an idea of how widely ES 2.0 is supported across Android devices because it could have a big effect on the market size for my app.

After filtering through some anecdotal evidence on Stackoverflow, not surprisingly the best place to find this data was straight from the horse’s mouth at the Android Dashboards page.

According to the data, ES 2.0 support is over 90% and it seems reasonable to assume it’s only going to increase in time. So that settles it – OpenGL ES 2.0 it is.

The Dashboards page also has data on the installation base for each Android version which may also be very useful to you during the research phase of developing your app.